
For my latest book I just knew I needed an agent, and a lovely client suggested J. P. Marshall Literary Agency. What incredible luck. Jaime does me the honour of ‘getting’ my book and of understanding why it appears to straddle genres in such a reckless way. He gave me detailed feedback, phrased in a way that I could hear. I adopted almost every one of his suggestions, all of which improved the book considerably. He has made me laugh, has encouraged, has challenged, has negotiated on my behalf in every sense – legal, financial and psychological. He has broad and deep insider knowledge of the publishing world. And most of all, he knows how to nourish the fragile ego of an author without colluding or losing sight of the soul of the book.

Jenny Rogers

Jaime is not the first literary agent I’ve worked with, but he’s the first to come up with a book idea. I was reluctant, because I had preconceived ideas about what “that kind of book” had to be. But Jaime recognised that I have a deep interest in the subject, and a passion for it. He persuaded me that I had an opportunity to write about the subject in my own way, and indeed that this was the only workable approach. We worked closely together on the proposal, and I found it a huge pleasure to write it with Jaime in mind as my ideal reader. I know what it’s like to try writing without such a person in mind – horrible. I could go on at some length about the many things Jaime does to keep me on track, to nudge and prod others gently on my behalf, but won’t. Quite simply, I wouldn’t have written my latest book without Jaime’s ideas and encouragement. I wouldn’t have dared to write the one I’m currently working on. And I wouldn’t be so excited about the one after, that just recently appeared on the horizon.

John-Paul Flintoff

Jaime and I have worked together for about fifteen years — first on my behavioural economics book and then on my first trade book, which was signed by Penguin Random House. It was his vision that led to the former book, which in retrospect was perfectly framed and timed. And it was his gentle prodding and advice that actually made me complete the project – on time, as I recall. He was no less influential in turning my inchoate ideas about economics into a book proposal that sang (his word) and that quickly got the attention of several top publishers. He knows all aspects of the business, having worked on all sides of the operation, and is an all-around great human being – always a pleasure to talk to, and always helpful (and keen to be) no matter where you are in the project.

Erik Angner

Jaime is a fantastic agent. Within six months of working together, he had helped me put together two proposals I was very happy with and secured deals with two top publishers. He knows the industry inside out, his input is always insightful, and he is consistently enthusiastic, focused on making the projects the best they possibly can be.

Elizabeth Cripps

When I first met Jaime, I was an early-career lecturer and just beginning to think about making the leap from writing my big stuffy academic books into the mystifying abyss that is trade publishing. Jaime had read about my work, and reached out to me at precisely the right time – total serendipity! Our first meeting took place while I was on maternity leave, with my three-year-old son watching Peppa Pig on the floor of my office and my tiny baby sleeping next to him on my coat. Jaime, as always, was completely unfazed. With consummate patience, and over dozens of hours of winding conversations, he then proceeded to walk me through what turned out to be a three-year journey: germinating an idea for a smart-thinking book, working up a proposal, realising that my first idea was rubbish, putting it in the drawer and starting again — and eventually hitting on the winning concept, which ended up as my book On Being Unreasonable (Faber & Faber, 2022). (Jaime even gave me the title!) Long story short: without Jaime’s unfailing belief and top-notch advice, I never would have managed to navigate the process of bringing my work to a global mass audience, let alone land an astonishingly excellent publishing deal, which Jaime secured. As well as being one hell of an agent, he’s also become one of my favourite people — every time I have a cool idea I want to immediately ring Jaime and talk to him about it. I can’t think of a better quality for an agent than that.

Kirsty Sedgman